Simple Message Transfer Protocol 简单邮件传输协议(用于电子邮件的传输);
C # development of the procedures, SMTP client and server, POP 3 and IMAP 4 servers.
开发的程序, SMTP客户端和服务器, POP3和IMAP4服务器.
互联网Experience with networking application protocols development including SMTP and HTTP.
互联网Scroll to SMTP Access Point and press Select.
互联网SMTP can only transmit pure text. It cannot transmit binary data like pictures, sounds or movies.
SMTP只能传输纯文本. 它不能传输像图片 、 声音或电影这样的二进制位数据.
互联网Scroll to SMTP Secure Login, leave unless required by your Email provider.
滚动smtp的安全登录, 休假除非需要你的电子邮件提供商.
互联网Scroll to SMTP User Name and press Select.
互联网Your SMTP mail server could not start a secure connection.
互联网Scroll to Outgoing SMTP Server and press Select.
互联网Check the SMTP server configuration and correct any anomalies.
互联网This article analyzes the communication model of SMTP and describes its commands and responses.
互联网Many interfaces notify security professionals of issues via SMTP or other alerts.
互联网HTTP, FTP, and SMTP are types of transport tModels.
HTTP 、 FTP和SMTP是传输tModel的 几种类型.
互联网The SMTP protocol is used for the transmission of e - mails .
SMTP协议是用于 电子邮件 的传输.
互联网Scroll to Outgoing SMTP Port and press Select.
互联网Scroll to SMTP Password and press Select.
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