A simulative well log were obtained after executing program.
互联网Monitoring electric circuit, measuring method , simulative programme design and result analyses are introduced in this paper.
文中阐述了检测电路 、 测量方案 、 仿真程序设计和结果分析等内容.
互联网The rational use of EDA Simulative Technology can improve the effect of classroom instruction.
互联网This paper introduces the working principle, simulative and experimental results of an electrohydraulic vibration impact system.
介绍了电液振动冲击系统的构成、工作原理 、 仿真和试验结果及其在剁锉机上的应用.
互联网The simulative calculation method and the results of fan - station ventilation network with unidirectional circuits are described.
通过修改搜索策略,用深度优先搜索法确定通路的矩阵算法,模拟计算有 单向 回路的通风网络.
互联网Many simulative effects are all realized by software.
互联网The theme introduces the simulative load and the design of the equipment hardware.
互联网The simulative calculation method and the results of multi - fan - station ventilation network with unidirectional circuits are described.
介绍含有单向回路的 多级 机站通风网络的通路模拟算法及其结果.
互联网Example study shows that result of calculation is no difference and according with real simulative result.
互联网The simulative results show that the system run stably and intuitively show the searching process.
互联网The disturbances are greatly decreased for the application of simulative low - pass filter and FIR digital filter.
在FFT之前设置了FIR数字 滤波环节,与模拟低通滤波的硬件相结合,有效地减少干扰,提高了测量的精度.
互联网The simulative experimental results demonstrate that the algorithm has better universal performance and computational efficiency.
互联网Simulative experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the method.
互联网The numerical simulative results are also obtained by use of the analysis model of hanging tank.
互联网The effective ness of this method was indicated by simulative test.
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