Subjecting the models field engineering calculating test shows its safety, rationality, simpleness and practicability.
工程实例计算表明本模型是安全合理 、 简单实用的.
互联网It is an effective liquid separation tool with advantages such as simpleness, celerity and veracity.
该量取器使用方法简单 、 快速,是一种准确、有效的液体分离工具.
互联网Because of the excellence of simpleness and rapidness, ultrasonic is applied in the engineering comprehensively.
其中由于超声波方法测试快速 、 简单等特点应用最为广泛.
互联网All parameter set by the man - machine conversation operation simpleness and convenience.
全部参数设置采用液晶触摸屏 人机 对话方式,操作简单、方便.
互联网This algorithm has efficiency characteristic in performance, simpleness characteristic in implementation.
互联网The all - optical method has the advantages of real time, simpleness and low cost.
这种全光学方法具有实时 、 简便、成本低等优点.
互联网The valve adopt the bolt joint, it's construct simpleness , seal trustiness, capability choiceness, and examine - repair convenience.
阀门主体结构采用螺栓连接形式, 结构简单、紧凑 、 密封可靠、性能优良, 而且检修方便.
互联网Genetic algorithm ( GA ) has the virtue of simpleness, robustness and parallel in essence.
遗传 算法具有简单 、 鲁棒性好和本质并行的突出优点.
互联网Simpleness, sometimes comes after more miserable and difficult, honestly, simpleness be so simply.
简单, 往往都是复杂而痛苦的后来, 其实, 简单就是很简单.
互联网Its simpleness , high accuracy and adaptability are verified by both the theoretical calculation and experiment.
理论推导和实验数据表明,该方法实现简单,测速范围宽, 精度高.
互联网The case study indicates that this method is characterized by simpleness and practicability for application.
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