She sifted thistles through her thistle - sifter.
《简明英汉词典》This paper deals with a nitempering process of sifter mesh.
互联网The clearance of the sifter bottom can be adjusted according to size of the materials.
互联网Main Products: crusher, mixer, sifter, tablet machine.
主要产品: 粉碎机 、 混合机 、 筛粉机 、 压片机等.
互联网Theophilus Thistle , the successful thistle - sifter, Sifted sixty thistles through the thick of his thumb.
成功的蓟植物过滤师傅, 西奥菲勒斯.西斯尔,用他的拇指在间隙筛六十蓟.
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