Commonly used bearing material has SiC ceramics, graphite, PTFE, such as filling.
常用的轴承材料有碳化硅陶瓷 、 石墨 、 填充聚四氟乙烯等.
——期刊摘选Several criteria such as AIC and SIC are usually used in ARMA model selection.
AIC与SIC等 准则函数方法是ARMA模型选择过程中经常使用的方法.
互联网In the mud -- En ange e il mondo ! [ sic ] ( 6 )
污泥里 —— Efangoeilmondo! ( 六 )
汉英文学 - 围城This paper study the fabrication technology of � � - SiC powder, seed crystal, PVT method and PVT - Si method.
本文主要研究了β -SiC 源料粉末和籽晶的制备工艺, 以及PVT法和PVT-Si 法的基本生长工艺.
互联网Optimizing fabrication technology, we got hemispherical SiC single crystal with radial size is 2 cm.
通过优化生长工艺, 制备得到了径向尺寸大于2cm的半球状SiC单晶体.
互联网But the oxidation of RB - SiC does't affect largely on its electric conduction.
氧化过程对 反应烧结 碳化硅材料的导电性能影响不大.
互联网SiC is a kind of special ceramic with outstanding properties, widely used in industry.
SiC是一种有着许多优良性能的重要特种陶瓷, 在许多领域得到了广泛的应用.
互联网The results that the addition of Si enhances wettability of Al - SiC are achieved byXRD, SEM, EDS analysis ect.
并运用XRD 、 SEM 、 EDS等方法分析和探讨了Si对改善Al - SiC润湿性的作用机理.
互联网A painting, photograph, or a ceramic vase represent [ sic ] final solutions.
一幅画 、 一张照片, 或是一件 瓷器 花瓶都已经是最终的答案.
互联网Ps . I had post picture of SIC Limited Danki , Zabaki & Eiki in this thread, Please click to see more.
我有贴SIC三鬼限定的图片在主题论串中, 请点下方连结观看.
互联网The unstable conduction nonlinearity of abrasive SiC brings the difficulty grading of generator stator coil end.
磨料SiC微 粉电学性能不稳定,给发电机定子线圈端部防晕带来了极大困难.
互联网The main ingredients of the slime were SiC powder, EPS powder, Cr - Fe powder, auxiliary infiltration agent and binder, etc.
料浆主要组成为SiC粉 、 EPS粉 、 Cr -Fe 粉 、 助渗剂、粘结剂等.
互联网The continuous SiC fibers coated with B 4 C using chemical vapour deposition ( CVD ) were made.
采用化学气相沉积 ( CVD ) 方法,在连续SiC纤维 表面沉积一层B4C涂层.
互联网Fixed - seal & rotational - seal are made of various msterials, SIC, Carbon, Ceramic and can withstand various chemicals.
固定环 及 转动环由各种不同材质, SIC, 碳素, 陶瓷制成,可承受各种不同的化学药水.
互联网The unstable conduction nonlinearity of abrasive SiC brings the difficulty stress - grading of generator stator coil end.
磨料SiC粉料 电学性能不稳定,给发电机定子线圈端部防晕带来了极大困难.
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