Exodus 33:18 And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory.
出埃及记33:18,19摩西说 、 求你显出你的荣耀给我看.
——期刊摘选But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.
——期刊摘选But covet earnestly the best gifts: and shew I unto you a more excellent way.
——期刊摘选The results shew that hypocotyl's velocity, quality and differentiation were better than other explants.
结果表明:外植体为胚轴出愈速度快 、 质量好且分化率高.
互联网He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
14他要荣耀我.因为他要将受于我的, 告诉你们.
期刊摘选Finally, combined with case, this paper shew how to motive the employee in pubic sector effectively.
最后, 本文结合案例, 对公共部门人员激励的实践作出了进一步的探讨.
期刊摘选And this shew that Protoplast Fusion and Mutagenisis were good for fungus breeding.
互联网Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee.
[你回家去, 传说神为你作了何等大的事.
互联网This story shew the judgement and decision should change by surrounding.
互联网Thellos story shew the judgement and decision should change by surrounding.
互联网Doesn't give them any of it : shew wine : only the other.
互联网KJV Sing unto the LORD, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day.
[新译]要向耶和华歌唱, 称颂他的名, 天天传扬他的救恩.
互联网I will say unto God, Do not condemn me; shew me wherefore thou contendest with me.
对神说, 不要定我有罪.要指示我, 你为何与我争辩.
互联网I will shew them the back, and not the face in the day of their calamity.
遭难的日子,我必以背向他们, 不以面向他们.
互联网KJV This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.
[新译]就是我为自己所造的子民, 好使他们述说赞美我的话.
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