Valentin Arregui: Shes probably got bad breath or something.
瓦棱廷阿瑞奎: 她可能呼吸不顺畅或者是别的.
互联网Fi shes and reptiles are coldblooded animals.
互联网Its you shes Reginald shrugged his shoulders eloquently. fretting for.
它的你她雷金纳德雄辩地耸肩了他的肩. 磨损为.
互联网As a beginner , shes still fallible.
互联网Tonight, Daisy could tell Leah that shes going back to Minnesota.
今晚, 戴西应该告诉利厄说她要回明尼苏达.
电影对白Manfred : [ incredulous ] You rattling conceive shes the woman for me?
曼狄尼 ( 怀疑地 ): 你真认为她是适合我的女孩?
互联网Shes obviously in poor health.
互联网Charles: I undergo shes melodic is every right.
查尔斯: 我所知道的是,她向来都唱得正确.
期刊摘选In Shes literature, folk song is its main parts.
在畲族文学中, 山歌是它的主要部分.
互联网Do you know her relationship to that girl? Shes her sister.
你知道她和那个女孩有什么亲戚关系 吗 ?她是她的妹妹.
互联网Norman Bates : Mother, shes meet a stranger. Shes hungry and its raining out!
诺曼·贝茨: “母亲, 她只是个陌生人. 她肚子饿了,外面又在下雨! ”
互联网Shes always living out of a suitcase.
互联网Shes white as a ghost.
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