[人名] 森斯;
En ces jours tristes, votre pr é sence est pour moi un r é confort.
在这些令人伤心的日子里, 您人在这就是对我的安慰.
互联网Share with you some photos at the interview sence.
互联网A sence of control is the litmus test for success.
互联网Meanwhile, expression vectors were constructed with sence and antisence of PCaM - 1 cDNA.
同时构建PCaM -1 的正、反义真核表达载体,以转化花生研究CaM在 胚胎发育中的作用.
互联网May not Music be described as Mathematics of sence, Mathematics as Music of the reason?
难道不可以把音乐描绘成感觉的数学, 而把数学描绘成理性的音乐 吗 ?
互联网Without a sence of your own fault, how can repentance and amendment be expected?
如果对自己的错误都不认识, 怎么能悔改 呢 ?
互联网It'sence ( says ) the danger is from sea lice , which is ( are ) small organism ( organisms ) that feed on fish.
该研究声称危险来自于海 虱, 一种食鱼的微生物.
互联网Almost years a year passes without sence signs of the disease.
互联网The character of sence : the liquor achromatous and transparent, tastes viscous and weak.
感官性质: 溶液无色透明, 口感粘稠,味谈.
互联网A stable personality and high sence of responsibility are desirable.
互联网We, we need to see it . There a sence sense of mystery that is very over - welmingoverwhelming.
我们要感受那份神圣,我们要感受耶稣降生之地, 我们要亲眼见到它.
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