How does inflammation of alvine ministry node do? Semiotic expression? Must food notice?
肠部淋巴结炎症怎么办? 症状表现? 饮食须注意?
互联网Patient lung shadow and semiotic body are asked for but abhorrent.
互联网The desiring rhetoric of advertising expresses the semiotic mechanism of advertising language.
互联网What is semiotic iconography of cheese?
互联网The theoretical supports of argument are Modem Semiotic theories and Geoffrey Leech " pragmatic Principles. "
论文主要的依据是现代符号学理论和 里奇 的语用原则.
期刊摘选In this paper, a semiotic explanation is offered around translatability issue.
在这篇文章中, 对于可译性问题,作者给出了一种符号学的解释.
互联网Is the semiotic check - up of low blood Potassium eligible however why ah?
互联网Semiotics is a subject focusing on semiotic structure semiotic representation, message communication, etc.
符号学是研究符号的结构、表示 、 消息通信及其应用的学科.
互联网The doctor is judged according to semiotic ability!
互联网How to diagnose short of blood without semiotic sex muscle?
互联网The paper wants to discuss that semiotic is applied in the field of product design.
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