Orthodox economics recognizes wage - employment, but it has been deficient in commenting on self - employment.
主流经济学赏识工资就业, 但是它对自谋职业的评价始终是不充分的.
互联网Self - employment, self - employed persons is seen as a grass - roots work experience.
自谋职业 、 个体经营的人员,视为具有 基层 工作经历.
互联网Ozone does not mask the shortcomings of skin and normalizes its natural features and promotes self - employment.
互联网Statistics also reveal a rather startling shift away from self - employment to working for others.
英汉非文学 - 政府文件These statistics reveal a rather startling shift away from self - employment to working for others.
辞典例句The restaurant business appeals to those who want the risks and satisfactions of self - employment.
互联网Many other people choose self - employment not because of necessity but because of opportunity.
也有很多人选择 自主 创业不是因为迫不得已,而是因为想要抓住机遇.
互联网Is the sacrifice of a safe salary for the uncertainty of self - employment worth it for you?
为具有不确定性的自主经营牺牲稳定的薪水,对你来说值得 吗 ?
互联网Former self - employed person - a person who has just ceased self - employment.
互联网First of all, it's not easy to start a self - employment career.
首先, 要开始一项 自主 创业的事业并不是件容易的事情.
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