轻视,蔑视( scorn的第三人称单数 );不屑做;不屑于(接受或做),轻蔑地拒绝;
As a professional painter , scorns the efforts of amateurs.
互联网She scorns the visible trappings of success, preferring to live unnoticed.
她鄙视标志成功的外在之物, 更愿意默默无闻地生活.
《简明英汉词典》He scorns the "pot-luck" approach.
柯林斯例句A great dog scorns the snarling of a little dog.
辞典例句For who would bear the whips and scorns of time.
互联网As a professional painter, she scorns the efforts of amateurs.
她是专业画家, 看不起业余画家的创作.
互联网Despite all the scorns he was poured on, he followed his own path.
尽管他受到冷嘲热讽, 他还是走自己的路.
互联网He was indifferent to insults and scorns thrown at him.
互联网He who scorns false glory shall possess the true.
互联网He scorns the tumult of the city, The shoutings of the driver he does not hear.
伯39:7他嗤笑城内的喧嚷 、 听赶牲口的喝声.
互联网He scorns telling lies.
互联网He looks grave , and holds his head high , and scorns his old companions.
他的派头也大起来了, 老是昂头, 瞧不起他那些老朋友.
辞典例句The professor scorns the students who don't catch on immediately.
互联网He is a young man who scorns delights and and he never dates to weekend parties.
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