Using multiple vertex buffers in round - robin fashion can help with concurrency.
互联网A DNS round - robin scheme can be used between farms.
互联网Kay had dislocated her left kneecap in her semi - final match of the round robin tournament.
凯曾在她的循环赛中的一轮 半决赛 时造成左膝盖骨错位.
互联网Qatar beat Iran 78 - 61 in the round - robin portion of the tournament.
互联网In matches round robin system, the winner gains 2 points and the loser gains 1 point.
在单循环制赛事中, 每场获胜一方得2分,负方得1分,而弃权得0分.
互联网The class sent a round - robin letter to Bill in the hospital.
互联网In round robin competition , round allows all contestants in a pool to fight once.
在循环赛中, 每一轮允许所有选手均比赛一次.
互联网In case of equal priorities and equal states, HTB serves these classes, using round robin algorithm.
互联网It is a round robin. The basketball players should assign their strength rationally.
篮球比赛要打循环赛, 队员们要合理分配体力.
互联网Now we have got only 5 teams, so the single round - robin system will be used.
现在我们仅有5个队, 所有比赛将采取单循环制.
互联网The class sent a round robin letter to her.
互联网If there are six or fewer teams, the single round - robin ( one - round league ) system will be adopted.
如果有六个队或不到六个队参加, 采用单循环制.
互联网Since there are six matches be played, so the single round - robin system will be adopted.
因为本次比赛只有六个队, 采用单循环制.
互联网A : Shall we adopt the round robin system or the knock - out system?
互联网a round robin story
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