Lovely white flowers and rose colored bracts are produced on an extended scape.
互联网North American annual with red or rose - colored flowers.
互联网The composition of the park with the rose colored heart - shaped pattern, and sizes, patchwork.
该园用各色月季组成心形图案, 并且大小不一 、 错落有致.
互联网Life seems bumpy sometimes; we should not look at everything through rose - colored glasses.
人生路程有时崎岖不平, 我们不要对一切事情都抱乐观态度.
互联网I always see things through rose - colored spectacles.
互联网When Jean graduated from high school, she looked at the world through rose - colored glasses.
互联网When Joan graduated from the high school, she looked at the world through rose - colored glasses.
琼高中毕业的时候, 她把一切事情都看得太容易.
互联网Sue always sees life through rose - colored spectacles.
互联网Young people tend to look at the world through rose - colored glasses.
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