=return on investment 投资利润,投资回收率;
Evaluating media effectiveness from CPA to ROI level.
互联网A kind of ROI - based IR ship detection approach was proposed.
提出了一种基于ROI的 红外舰船目标检测方法.
互联网Thus , evaluation by the ROI formula or by the residual income approach will not be possible.
互联网E - Commerce or Information technology managerial experience. Education in ROI or management accounting.
电子商务 及资讯管理经验. 修读过有关ROI或会计管理课程.
互联网He is concerned about maximizing RI other than ROI.
互联网A: The ROI would be roughly around 20 % EBITDA.
答: 利税折摊前的回报率在20%左右.
互联网A new ROI video coding method is presented based on MPEG - 4.
互联网ROI tends to emphasize short - run profit rather than long - run profitability.
片面强调 短期 收益而忽略 长期 收益性.
互联网Read how our partners are delivering industry applications and services with low TCO and high ROI.
互联网Realize full return on investment ( ROI ) in less than 6 months.
互联网The Principle of Relevance is an important part of ROI.
互联网The return - on - investment ( ROI ) of marketing spendings will become increasingly important for advertisers.
对广告主来说,在投资报酬率 ( ROI ) 的市场营销开支将变得越来越重要.
互联网In a downturn the need for proven ROI becomes even greater.
互联网As an alternative to ROI measure , organizations adopt the residual income concept.
互联网A Region of Interest ( ROI ) Coding method based on JPEG 2000 is presented.
文章提出基于JPEG2000标准的感兴趣区域 ( ROI, RegionofInterest ) 编码方法.
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