纠正( right的现在分词 );公正对待;整理;补偿;
The helicopter turned at an awful angle before righting itself.
柯林斯例句We've made progress in righting the wrongs of the past.
柯林斯例句They recognise the urgency of righting the economy.
柯林斯例句The inventory situation was righting itself.
《简明英汉词典》The long row of righting cables stretched to winches on Ford Island.
辞典例句It was reasonable to treat it as a self - righting mechanism.
辞典例句The self - righting doll is swaying with a creaking sound.
互联网Examples include walking, standing, the cat's righting reflex, and Basic sexual acts.
行走 、 站立 、 猫的扶正反射以及基本的性动作等.
互联网But if gained their favour, so the product lives self - righting and develop a problem.
但是如果赢得了他们的青睐, 那么产品就将不虞生存和发展问题.
互联网The limb of a cockroach can participate in multiple behaviors. These include walking, righting and scratching.
一只蟑螂的肢体可以参与多种行为, 包括行走 、 翻身以及抓.
互联网By righting its own economy, China can be the primary engine of term global growth.
通过调整本国经济, 中国可以成为全球短期增长的主要动力.
互联网Righting herself, she noticed the rope, which had run over a sharp rock, about to break.
恢复平稳后, 她发现绳子在一块锋利的岩石上的部分快要断掉了.
互联网The story is not about righting wrongs, but of acting with love and compassion.
这个故事讲述的并不是伸张正义, 而是爱心和怜悯的行为.
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