Drug resistance : G - bacterial were least resistant to cefaperazone ( 25.6 % ), followed by ofloxacin ( 28.7 % ), rifampicin ( 29.7 % ), and amikacin ( 68.7 % ) in ascending order.
细菌耐药: G - 菌对头胞哌啶耐药最低 ( 25.6% ), 其次依次为氧氟沙星 ( 28.7% ) 、 利福平(29.7% ) 、 丁胺卡那霉素 ( 68. 7% ).
互联网Results Ethambutol hydrochloride, isoniazid, pyrazinamide and rifampicin all had good chromatographic behavior.
结果盐酸乙胺丁醇 、 利福平、吡嗪酰胺和异烟肼均具有良好的色谱行为.
互联网Objective : To establish a HPLC method for determining rifampicin and isoniazid in human plasma.
目的: 建立一种用HPLC同时测定人体血浆中利福平和异烟肼浓度的方法.
互联网Objective To establish a method for the determination of compound rifampicin tablets dissolution.
互联网According to antimicrobial susceptibility test results has applied cefoperazone and compound's new and rifampicin -- .
根据药敏试验结果先后应用头孢哌酮、复方新诺明和利福平 ------.
互联网OBJECTIVE : To establish a simple and rapid preparation technique of Rifampicin eye drops.
目的: 建立一种简易、准确地制备利福平滴眼液的方法.
互联网Stable Rifampicin ( RFP ) and bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) conjugate was prepared under the alkaline condition.
用利福平 ( RFP ) 与牛血清白蛋白 ( BSA ) 在碱性条件下反应生成稳定的偶联物.
互联网Objective : To Improve Rifampicin Capsules productive craft.
目的: 改进利福平胶囊的制备工艺.
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