ObjectiveTo confirm the effective part of Rhizoma Cyperi on dysmenorrhea.
互联网Conclusion: Rhizoma Coptidis could obviously inhibited the digestive activity.
结论: 黄连素对消化系统功能具有极显著的抑制作用.
——期刊摘选Objective : To study the water extracting technical condition of Rhizoma Polygonati.
目的: 优选黄精水提最佳工艺条件.
互联网Objective: To optimize the condition of the expansion processing of Rhizoma Cibotii.
摘要目的: 优化选择膨化炮制狗脊的最佳工艺.
互联网CONCLUSION Rhizoma Cynanchi Stauntonii has analgesic, anti - inflammatory and anti - thrombotic effects.
结论:白前具有镇痛 、 抗炎 和 抗 血栓形成作用.
互联网Conclusion: composition in Rhizoma is almost the same as Fibrous Root.
结论: 根茎与须根成分基本相同.
互联网The yield of total isoflavones Rhizoma Belamcandae by the purity reached 60 %.
互联网Objective To determine the contents of gastrodins and polysaccharides Rhizoma gastrodia.
互联网To investigate the best condition of the Rhizoma Smilax China extraction.
互联网Objective : To analysis the composition in Polygonatum Cyrtonema Rhizoma and Fibrous Root.
目的: 黄精根茎与须根相关成分分析.
互联网Objective : To determine the content of tectoridin in Rhizoma Belamcandae by HPLC.
目的: 用HPLC法测定 射干中射干苷的含量.
互联网Objective : To study the ultramicro Rhizoma Cyperi and establish its fingerprint.
目的: 研究香附超微饮片的气相色谱指纹图谱,为科学评价及有效控制其质量提供可靠方法.
互联网A method was developed for determination of Sarsasapogenin in Rhizoma Anemarrhenae.
互联网Aim To study the stability of compound Rhizoma coptidis capsule ( CRCC ) .
目的考察复方 黄连 胶囊的稳定性.
互联网ObjectiveTo analyze the chemical constituents of essential oils of Rhizoma Kaempferiae.
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