Nod factor of rhizobium , a new informational molecule, is lipochitooligosaccharide.
根瘤菌结瘤因子是脂壳寡糖, 一种新的信息分子.
互联网The primary invasion site of Rhizobium is root hair of the plant.
互联网Oil, Brazil nut oil, Soya Bean , Rhizobium fredii, and plant energy polypeptide, etc.
清油, 巴西果油, 大豆根瘤菌, 植物能量多肽.
互联网Further research will, no doubt, be aimed towards further characterization of both Rhizobium and plant genes.
勿庸置疑, 今后的研究应该进一步认识根瘤菌和植物双方基因的特征.
互联网Especially, drought and high salt concentration are significant factors that limit rhizobium - legume symbiosis.
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