Objective To advance augmentative rhinoplasty skills on different nose - shapes and the aesthetic effects and prevent complication.
互联网Objective To advance augmentative rhinoplasty skills on different nose - shapes and aesthetic effects, and prevent complication.
互联网In rhinoplasty, numerous surgical techniques have been proposed to shape the tip cartilages.
互联网Rhinoplasty is precise surgery in which the margin of error is measured in millimeters.
期刊摘选Objective To investigate the reasons of the exposure of prosthetics to improve the effection of rhinoplasty.
互联网In fact, it is the preferred material for numerous grafts in modern rhinoplasty.
事实上, 它是现代鼻整形外科中许多植入物的首选材料.
互联网Objective To reduce the complications of augmentation rhinoplasty with silicons and improve the effect of rhinoplasty.
互联网Objective To investigate the optimum subcutaneous layer and basic principle of rhinoplasty augmentation.
互联网Solid silicone rubber is still the major clinical applied materials in rhinoplasty.
互联网These are terms and definitions derived present generation of rhinoplasty surgeons.
互联网Objective To discuss the characteristics and methods of augmentation rhinoplasty for patients with thin skin.
互联网Prevention and management of complication of augmentation rhinoplasty with silicone . Lu kaihua, Liu Jianbo , Ai Yufeng.
目的为了预防固体硅胶隆鼻术的并发症, 提高隆鼻术的效果.
互联网Many plastic surgeons perform rhinoplasty from within the nose , making their incision inside the nostrils.
互联网Conclusion: Autogenous tooth is one of good reconstructive materials in augmentation rhinoplasty.
结论: 自体牙用于隆鼻是比较好的矫正鼻畸形修复材料.
互联网Especially in double eyelid, augmentation rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, free - wrinkle and all kinds of complicated operations.
有多年的整形激光临床经验,并擅长重睑 、 隆鼻 、 隆胸 、 除皱等美容手术及各种复杂整形手术.
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