Flame - retardant asphalts with different flame - retardant ( H , L , W ) were prepared.
选用三种阻燃剂 分别制备 了不同的阻燃沥青.
互联网Our Products -- antimagnetic filtering, fire retardant, insulation, anti - ultraviolet, anti - corrosion .
我们的产品 ----- 防磁滤波, 防火阻燃, 绝缘, 抗 紫外线, 防腐蚀.
互联网Tetrabromobisphenol A - di ( o - chloro benzyl ) ether is a novel efficient flame retardant.
四溴双酚A - 双 ( 邻氯苄基 ) 醚是一种新型高效阻燃剂.
互联网The chloroprene rubber sheath is heat and oil resistant and flame retardant.
互联网Its film has special performances in flame - retardant and electronic - conduction.
漆膜具有 长期 稳定的导静电性及阻燃性.
互联网The cable bridge rack has simple installation and good fire - proof flame - retardant effect.
互联网The application examples of the flame retardant were given.
互联网Joined the anti - static agent and flame retardant, the more their outstanding performance.
加入 防 静电剂和阻燃剂后, 更显其卓越的性能.
互联网Novelty intumescent flame retardant ( IFR ) was made from phosphoric acid, pentaerythritol and melamine.
使用磷酸 、 季戊四醇、三聚氰胺合成了一种膨胀型阻燃剂.
互联网It has good flame - retardant property, high temperature stability and low - temperature anti - cracking property.
具有良好的阻燃性能 、 高温稳定性和低温 抗 裂性能.
互联网There are a variety of synthetic LaTeX , flame retardant, etc.
合成物则有各种合成乳胶 、 聚乙烯醇等.
互联网A review the situation and progress of the Flame - retardant technology.
互联网The ideal conditions of flame retardant finishing was determined.
互联网Its film has special performances in flame - retardant, heat - resistant, electronic - conduction.
本品漆膜具有遇火不燃 、 耐热和漆膜全寿命导静电能力.
互联网Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin, with a non - halogenated flame retardant.
%玻璃纤维增强高性能聚酰胺树脂, 以 非 卤化阻燃剂.
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