重建,改建,重组( restructure的过去式和过去分词 );
Then, what will the three - level Chinese restructured administrative system be like?
互联网Education and work can be restructured to teach and propagate the skills of concentration and focus.
——期刊摘选Our businesses must be restructured so they are much more profitable, and so they can grow.
我们的事业必须重组以达到更多的盈利, 从而可以更好地成长.
期刊摘选Rucker restructured his contract to stay with the Panthers, then started his grueling rehab.
洛克修改了合同条款以便留在黑豹队, 随后开始了令人精疲力尽的恢复训练.
互联网South America has unshackled its trade, restructured its rickety banks and tightened its fiscal belt.
南美洲开放了贸易, 整顿了自己摇摇欲坠的银行,紧缩了财政开支.
期刊摘选Mortgage servicers, lenders and borrowers will receive incentive payments for the success of restructured loans.
互联网Their economies restructured for selling to the deficit countries and financing the sales with their surpluses.
互联网Mortgage servicers, lenders and borrowers will receive incentive incentive payments for the success of restructured loans.
如果成功调整了贷款结构,抵押业务员, 贷款者和借款者将获得激励金.
互联网In order to realize remedies of possession, general article of law of tort should be restructured.
互联网She abandoned her own painting lessons, stopped attending community meetings and restructured the family budget.
她放弃了自己的绘画课程, 不去参加社区会议,调整了家庭收支预算.
互联网Of the restructured bank loans, about 60 % were readjusted to a lower interest rate.
在银行重组的贷款中, 约有60%是调低利率.
互联网The company was formed around 1991 when Chairman Zhu Jianghong restructured several inefficient state - owned enterprises ( SOEs ) .
该公司系由 朱江洪 于1991年对几家效率低的 国有 企业重组而成.
互联网Those which establish or are restructured into joint - stock enterprises or other economic organization.
设立或者改制为 股份制 企业以及其他经济组织的.
互联网As the curriculum is restructured, fields of inquiry and methods of investigation will be transformed.
随着课表重组, 问题领域和调查方法都将改变.
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