再生,再加工( reprocess的现在分词 );
The DPRK will restart the reprocessing of the spent fuel rods, he added.
朝鲜将重新回收用过的燃料棒, 他补充道.
——期刊摘选Senator Obama opposes both storing and reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel.
互联网The reprocessing can result in several valued chemicals, such as, aerosol, vehicle liquefied gas and fuel.
经再加工可生产高附加值的烃类产品, 如气雾剂 、 发泡剂 、 车用液化气和车用液体燃料等.
互联网Reprocessing or Trashing Audit Log containers with a log no longer fails silently.
互联网In addition we wine standard pressure concavoconvex, die - cutting, cutting waste , rewinding, and so after reprocessing.
此外.还给差葡萄酒不本举行不抬矮低 、 模切 、 纯宝 、 不不合切、双卷等后加工办理.
互联网Such reprocessing is currently blocked by a Natural Resources Defense Council suit.
辞典例句Burns announced negotiations on reprocessing would begin before the end of next month.
互联网Goods returned to the factory for reprocessing or refining into taxable tobacco or alcohol products.
互联网Closing the Reprocessing Plant window would sometimes throw an exception. This has been fixed.
互联网They say that 25 to 40 percent of equipment can be safely reused via what's reprocessing.
互联网The amount of high - level waste can be reduced in several ways, particularly Nuclear reprocessing.
减少高放射性核废料数量的方法很多, 特别是利用核回收.
互联网The water ratio of optimum reprocessing efficiency is 1 ~2 %.
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