Catalog and aggregator sites typically compile information that exists elsewhere , then repackage and distribute it.
目录分类网站一般从事信息的编辑, 然后对信息进行打包和发送.
——期刊摘选Retailors can repackage combinations of components customized for the client.
互联网She earns more since she repackaged herself as a business consultant.
——《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》To avoid intellectual property rights infringements , they must repackage similar ideas and technologies.
互联网More than 5 years experience of quality management, preferable in pesticide formulation and repackage field.
5年以上质量管理经验, 农药配制与分装领域优先.
期刊摘选After all, CDOs repackage existing securities and charge hefty fees for doing so.
在评估活动中, 这个因素就是评估本身的活动方式.
期刊摘选The innovation of disposal methods includes NPAs repackage, NPAs supermarket, Trust disposition, and Assets Securitization, etc.
具体创新方式包括打包处置 、 不良资产超市 、 信托处置及不良资产证券化等.
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