改造,改铸( remould的现在分词 );
The technical characteristics of the acetonitrile extracted butadiene plant after remoulding were introduced.
互联网The bourgeoisie and the bourgeois intellectuals ought to recognize the necessity of remoulding themselves.
——期刊摘选Endothelin - 1 contributes to increased systemic vascular resistance, vascular remoulding, left ventricular dysfunction and renal impairment in essential hypertension.
原发性高血压时血浆内皮素 -1 水平升高,可导致外周阻力增加,并且通过激活ETA和 ETB受体可加重高血压病心、肾 、 动脉系统的损害,形成恶性循环.
互联网The more the remoulding one undergoes, the more one feels the need for it.
互联网Still others ask, if remoulding is necessary , why isn't it necessary for the working class?
也有人说, 如果要改造, 为什么工人阶级不改造?
互联网The remoulding solved the problems the production and saved the investment and energy.
互联网Third , the question of the remoulding of the intellectuals.
互联网Why is ideological remoulding necessary?
互联网The ideological remoulding in the past was necessary and has yielded positive results.
互联网Can the capitalists be so good that they need no more remoulding?
难道资本家就那么高明,反而再不需要改造了 吗 ?
互联网I think the most important thing is the opportunity of self - remoulding.
我认为最重要的是这份工作为我提供的 自我 完善的机会.
互联网The technological remoulding of dethanizing column in the ethylene unit of Lahzhou Petrochemical Company was introduced.
互联网The greatness lies in self - remoulding.
生命之伟大在于 自我 改造.
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