Deoxygenate was used to remove the remanent oxygen from gas for supplying the high purity gas.
互联网Remanent magnetism of soil layer is taken as a reference frame for locating hydrocarbon seepage zone.
期刊摘选By measuring the remanent magnetization of rocks, scientists have confirmed the thesis successfully.
通过测量岩石中的剩磁性, 科学家们成功证实了这一论断.
互联网Anisotropy of isothermal remanent magnetism is a recently developed technique for rock fabric study.
互联网On the other hand, a high remanent polarization indicates a strong ferroelectricity, which enhances piezoelectric properties.
另一方面, 高的剩余极化强度Pr使材料铁电性的增强, 有利于提高压电性能.
互联网The system of remanent stress - relief through vibration is introduced in detail in chapter three.
互联网The types of the pore are mainly secondary solution pores and seldom primary remanent intergranular pores.
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