精炼( refine的第三人称单数 );精制;使纯净;使文雅高尚;
This further refines the visual style so that it reflects key behaviors and information.
About Face 3交互设计精髓This invigorating scrub deep cleanses, smoothes and refines the skin as it polishes away impurities.
互联网It gently tones and refines the skin, removing any remaining impurities , without depleting its natural oils.
它的天然油性成分逐渐地调节和滋润皮肤, 去除面部的残留物.
互联网With gentle exfoliating beads, it also refines skin texture, washing away dirt and oil.
含有柔珠颗粒, 顺滑肌肤纹理, 洗净油脂和污垢.
互联网The softening effect of pink clay refines the skin's texture while toning the epidermis.
——期刊摘选It improves the taste, ennobles the heart , elevates the mind, refines the and intensifies dignity.
它使人增加趣味,放宽心胸, 拓展视野,高贵修养, 以堂堂之风为其所欲.
互联网Taking a step back to accommodate others refines our character and nurtures spiritual growth.
互联网Skin refreshing aromatic formulation refines and soothes skin condition ultimately achieving skin anti - aging results.
香薰配方,细腻光滑肌肤的同时舒缓安抚紧张的皮肤,使皮肤达到 抗老化 的效果.
互联网If checked, refines search results to match only the word as a whole.
如果勾选此项, 在搜索结果中精选出完全匹配的文字.
互联网The concept site plan further refines and details the sketch site plan.
互联网This paper firstly introduces a notion of alias, and then refines dependence analysis by generating strong.
针对此问题,该文首先提出了一种点间确定别名的概念, 然后用它生成强更新和相对更新来精化数据依赖分析.
互联网Disc refiner: Machine which refines pulp by rubbing fibres between vertical rotating discs.
碟型磨浆机: 由两片垂直旋转的碟构成的打浆机器.它把纤维作精细的研磨.
互联网Clears and refines pore openings.
互联网Gold refines in the fire and man in trouble.
互联网Love refines the thoughts.
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