The geochemical characteristics of REE in the auriferous quartz veins indicate that the ore forming f.
互联网The Shangzhuang apatite deposit is a low - grade apatite deposit associated with Fe, vermiculitizated biotite and REE.
上庄磷矿为一大型 低品位 磷灰石矿床,伴生有益组分有铁 、 蛭石化黑云母及稀土元素.
互联网The REE distribution pattern of the Xihu lake is similar to that of andesite.
互联网The weathering crust eluvial type REE deposits develop widely in southern Hunan.
互联网This paper determined the sulfur isotopic composition of the Mianning REE deposit, Sichuan Province , China.
互联网REE in fluid ? melt inclusions of mantle xenolith from Changbaishan are measured directly by ICP? MS.
本文尝试运用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICPMS) 和热爆方法,直接测定了长白山地区的地幔捕虏体中流体熔体包裹体 REE 含量.
互联网Rare earth element pattern is a important way of study on REE geochemistry.
互联网We should divide th ree kind of spiritual situation: Narrowness, selfish, healthy - individualism.
我们可以分成三种情况: 狭隘 、 自私 、 个人主义.
互联网As a new method, REE tracer technique has been widely used in soil erosion research.
REE示踪技术作为一种新手段, 在土壤侵蚀研究中得到广泛的应用.
互联网The REE content in fluid inclusions of minerals in the leaddeposit was determined by the ICP - MS .
本文采用四极等离子质谱仪(ICP -MS )方法测定了可可塔勒铅锌矿矿物流体包裹体的稀土元素含量.
互联网The paper presents the geochemical characteristics of trace elements, REE and oxygen isotopes of kaolin rocks.
本文主要研究了煤系高岭岩的微量 、 稀土、氧同位素地球化学特征.
互联网Depending upon certain conditions there may ornot may be f ree elect rons in semi - conductors.
互联网All samples have high ICE ( incompatible element ) and REE contents showing very strong mantle metasomatism.
互联网Changes in red soil microbial biomass under different REE concentrations have been studied.
互联网The Muluo REE deposit is scale deposit newly found in Pan xi region.
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