Soul also needs to face alone, a comforter and recuperation.
灵魂也需要独自去面对 、 抚慰与休养.
——期刊摘选After several days'recuperation in hospital, grandma feels much better now.
奶奶在疗养院将息数日后, 精神变得好多了.
期刊摘选Darron Gibson's recuperation from a knee injury is ongoing.
互联网Is excuse me the diet of low blood pressure mixed recuperation?
互联网Continue to pray for a speedy recuperation of the kidney and a complete recovery . 2.
互联网Objective To a harmonious system of military medical recuperation.
互联网She is now recuperation at Tsingdao.
互联网My skin loves to grow little a in one's heart recently, how is recuperation good?
我的皮肤最近爱长小疙瘩, 怎么调理好 呢 ?
互联网To explore the effect of health recuperation on psychological status in pilots.
互联网The operation was showed as fewer traumas, less complication and rapid recuperation compared with thoracolaparotomy.
与经胸腹手术相比,具有创伤小, 并发症少,恢复快等特点.
互联网Methods: The natural recuperation factors were analyzed and used for the treatment.
互联网Here is your recuperation place, Sincerely Becomes friends harbor!
这里就是您休整的地方, 真诚交友的港湾!
互联网During recuperation, I listened to music on the radio.
在康复的这段日子里, 我常常听广播里的音乐.
互联网Their recuperation was, on average, 40 percent quicker than typically expected.
互联网Analysis on Sickness Status of 1149 Aviators during Recuperation.
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