
  • 释义
  • 接受者;容器;容纳者;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Thromboembolism ( 12.5 % ), bleeding during operation ( 5.0 % ) and anaesthetic accident ( 2.5 % ) were the causes of recipient death.

    受体死亡原因有血栓栓塞 ( 12.5% ) 、 术中出血 ( 5.0% ) 和麻醉意外 ( 2.5% ).

  • 2、

    If delivered electronically, large size file will be compressed with WINZIP to minimize recipient inconvenience.

    如果是通过电子传输, 较大的文件须用WINZIP压缩,以减少对收件者的不便.

  • 3、

    Agricultural soils are the ultimate recipient and depository of most applied foliar and soil pesticides.


  • 4、

    It's the underlying structure of the recipient that really determines what it's going to look like.


  • 5、

    The recipient may delete the message, store it , reply to it, or forward it to others.

    接收者也许删除消息, 存放给它的它, 回复或者寄它给其他.

  • 6、

    Any review, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this communication by the unintended recipient is strictly prohibited.

    非指定收件人不得对本邮件进行任何形式的查阅 、 宣传 、 散布或复制.

  • 7、

    The murmur continues asas pressure in the chamber of origin exceeds that in the recipient chamber.


  • 8、

    These eggs aretransplanted back into another ( recipient ) female, in which they can develop to term.

    这些卵被移植入另一个雌性体内, 在那里它们发育成型.

  • 9、

    The demand letter that the recipient cannot understand is no more effective than a shouting match.


  • 10、

    Results Recently the recipient has a good life quality for 19 months.


  • 11、

    He has a recipient mind.


  • 12、

    So far the biggest receiptor add recipient of aid is the insurance company, American International Group.

    到目前为止,最大的受益人是一家保险公司, 美国国际集团.

  • 13、

    Users can send mail to a single recipient or broadcast it to multiple users.


  • 14、

    Relevant government departments can audit the accounts of the recipient when necessary.


  • 15、

    The Phoumi regime became the recipient of American military aid.


  • 16、

    So far the biggest recipient of aid is the insurance company American International Group.


  • 17、

    What if the recipient doesnt receive it?

    如果收件人没有收到包裹该 怎么办 ?

  • 18、

    This saddles recipient governments with extra costs of administration, and often of transport as well.

    这就使受援国政府增加了行政费用的负担, 而且往往也增加了交通压力.

  • 19、

    The recipient of the prize have their name printed in the paper.


  • 20、

    Select File > Send To > Mail Recipient for Review.


  • 21、

    Dungeon message triggers will display properly if the intended recipient is not in a gang.


  • 22、

    Thus, the destination plus the DSAP define the recipient of a packet.

    所以, 目标地址和DSAP一起定义了数据包的容器.

  • 23、

    To personalize the letter this recipient receives, make changes in the letter previewed here.

    若要对此收件人接收的信函进行个性化设置, 请对此处预览的信函进行修改.

  • 24、

    When you find yourself waiting in line or the recipient of poor service, be thankful.

    当你发现自己在排队等候,或别人对你服务不周时, 要心存感激.

  • 25、

    So some people have problems with facial transplants because the recipient isn't necessarily near death.


  • 26、

    The haircut's recipient stoically accepts his fate in the tight arms of his mother.


  • 27、

    Accounting should concentrate on the provision of relevant information that is valuable to the recipient.


  • 28、

    King, then 35, remains the youngest recipient of the Nobel Prize.


  • 29、

    Lying is bad, especially when the recipient is your life partner.

    说谎是不好的, 尤其是说谎的对象还是你的终生伴侣.
