Full Bccounting Functions, including general account responsibilities, customer billings, accounts receivables and payables, ledger, inventory, taxation.
全数会计职能, 包括一般会计责任, 客户帐单, 应收帐款以及应付帐款, 总帐, 库存, 税收.
互联网Full Accounting Functions, including general account responsibilities, customer billings, accounts receivables and payables, ledger, inventory, taxation.
全部会计职能, 包括一般会计责任, 客户帐单, 应收帐款和应付帐款, 总帐, 库存, 税收.
互联网Sales accountant must ensure sales, cost of sales and accounts receivables accounts are correctly booked.
确保销售收入, 销售成本及应收帐款等科目准确无误.
互联网The directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other receivables approximates their fair value.
互联网Ensure timely, complete and accurate recording and payment of accounts payables & receivables.
确保及时 、 完全、正确的记录和收付应收、应 付账 款.
互联网The problem was to match receivables and payables in the same currency.
互联网The current account, receivables, payables management.
往来帐 、 应收 、 应付款的管理.
互联网Please furnish schedules of aged inventory and receivables.
期刊摘选However , final settlement of open account trade relies more on SMEs'capabilities in managing receivables.
期刊摘选The higher the turnover rate the more liquid the company's receivables.
期刊摘选Therefore, the high receivables rate becomes a headache problem many domestic and international enterprises and industries.
期刊摘选The Group always keeps the turnover days trade receivables within two week of its credit control.
期刊摘选Receivables and prepayments shall be accounted for according to actual amount.
期刊摘选Thethe received amounts after discount and the discount term of the discounted creditor's rights of receivables.
期刊摘选Invoice and receivables, customer complaints handling. Provide improvable suggestions, etc.
客户费用结算;处理投诉及反馈, 提供合理建议等一系列工作.
期刊摘选Assist Finance department with accounts receivables as necessary.
期刊摘选In the balance sheet, inventory is listed immediately after receivables.
在资产负债表上, 存货列于应收款项之后.
期刊摘选Manage payment terms and receivables and cost control.
期刊摘选The Group's financial assets are classified as loans and receivables.
期刊摘选This selling method has successfully solved the high receivables rate account sale problem.
期刊摘选So , many corporations default for goods each other, receivables is evey high for a long time.
导致企业相互拖欠货款, 应收帐款长期居高不下.
期刊摘选When selling independents use your reps for collecting overdue receivables.
期刊摘选Assist the account receivables to achieve the collection target of the account in the province.
期刊摘选The receivables, therefore, are not stated at estimated net realizable value.
期刊摘选The carrying amount of other receivables, deposits and prepayments approximates to its fair value.
其他应收款项 、 按金及预付款项的帐面值与其公平值相约.
期刊摘选This paper analyzes the influences to current ratio by turnover speed of receivables.
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