Most of their details are explained in Tazpn's plugin readme.
它们的大多数细节在Tazpn插件的Readme( 自述文件)中有解释.
互联网Readme. txt file contains more details.
互联网Please read the following readme information carefully.
互联网WARNING! Setup requires that you have Administrator privileges. Please see the Readme file for more information.
警告! 安装程序要求您具有管理员权限. 有关更多信息,请参阅自述文件.
互联网README file should clearly specify how to run your program.
互联网Always read the README file before doing anything other than unpacking!
互联网This step succeeds only in systems that meet criterias listed Readme.
互联网Next the program views release notes of Open Sound System ( Readme ).
接受协议后,程序将显示OOS的 版本信息 及帮助信息.
互联网Make sure to go over the readme file first before attempting to install the game.
互联网When you install Window 95, all the readme files is cop to the directory.
当你安装Windows95时, 所有的自述文件被都被拷贝到此目录.
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