Rash occurred in forehead hair more damage mostly blisters, pustules, acne scars left after the more.
皮疹多发生于前额发际,损害多为水疱 、 脓疱, 愈后可留有痤疮疤痕.
——期刊摘选However, pustules, nodules, abscesses, cysts, the more often left behind after the Depression, or hypertrophic scars.
但有脓疱 、 结节 、 脓肿 、 囊肿者, 愈后常留下凹陷性或增生性疤痕.
互联网Histological examination showed pustular dermatitis with spongiform pustules, consistent with a drug eruption.
组织学检查显示为海绵状脓疱性皮炎, 符合药疹的改变.
——期刊摘选When this happens, pustules form.
在这种情况下, 脓疱形式.
互联网Pustules are small elevations of the skin containing purulent material ( usually necrotic inflammatory cells ).
脓疱是皮肤上的小隆起,内含脓液 ( 为坏死的炎性细胞 ).
互联网The oil suppurates the pustules.
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