Result: Corydalis Tuber , Pubescent Angelica can be examined out by TLC chromatogram.
结果: 在TLC色谱中均能检出延胡索 、 独活.
——期刊摘选When did Dumbledore bouncy , pre - pubescent poster boy of those early Potter outings – get so old?
那个在《哈利·波特》早期影片中活泼好动 、 好似没到青春期的邓布利多什么时候老成这个样子了?
互联网Description: Herbaceous vines, glabrous except for pubescent on stem nodes, petioles, and leaf margin.
形态特徵: 纤细草质藤本,除茎节 、 柄和叶缘被短柔毛外全株无毛.
互联网Corolla blue - purple, ca .1.2 cm long, white pubescent, 2 - lipped, upper lip 2 - lobed, lower lip 3 - lobed ; lobes subequal.
花冠蓝紫色, 长1.2厘米, 被白色短柔毛, 二唇形, 上唇2裂, 下唇3裂, 裂片近相等.
互联网Ah , leave me alone in my pubescent park, in my mossy garden.
让我独自带在我的充满青春的公园 、 长满青苔的花圃里.
期刊摘选Young twigs and buds reddish brown pubescent.
互联网Description: Scandent subshrubs , to 2 m tall , stems, petioles, and inflorescences thin pubescent, glabrescent.
形态特徵: 攀援灌木,长达2米, 茎 、 叶柄和花序疏被柔毛.
互联网A pubescent girl regarded as sexually desirable.
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