Androsterone, Estrone, Growth hormone, Human chorionic gonadotropin hCG, Luteohormone, Pituitary hormone, Prolactin and Pure Crystalline Insulin.
雄酮, 雌酮, 生长激素, 人绒毛膜促性腺激素, 黄体酮, 垂体激素, 催乳激素,纯结晶胰岛素.
互联网The anterior glandular lobe of pituitary gland that secretes many hormones, including ACTH, prolactin, and somatotropin.
腺性垂体前叶''.'脑'.''下垂体腺的腺性前叶,可分泌包括促肾上腺''.'皮质'. ''激素 、 乳汁刺激素以及促长激素的多种激素.
互联网Nursing stimulates further production of prolactin and, therefore, of milk.
哺乳本身刺激催乳激素的产生, 从而生产更多的乳汁.
辞典例句Method: ELISA had been used to determine the serum prolactin levels.
方法: 采用ELISA方法测定血清催乳素水平.
互联网Gynecology: Menopause barriers, menstrual cramps, menstrual flow, and milk secretion insufficiency, high prolactin hyperlipidemia.
妇科: 更年期障碍 、 经痛 、 月经不顺 、 乳汁分泌不全 、 高催乳激素血症.
互联网Oxytocin causes the expression of stored milk; prolactin orders more.
催产素产生贮存的乳汁; 催乳素催发出更多的乳汁.
互联网Some women ovulate irregularly because their pituitary glands secrete too much prolactin.
——期刊摘选Increased blood levels of prolactin inhibit the release of FSH and LH, and therefore stop ovulation.
互联网Levels of serotonin and prolactin were not music therapy.
互联网A possible explanation for this is the hormone prolactin, which contributes to how much people cry.
一种可能的解释是这是因为荷尔蒙中的催乳激素, 其控制着人哭的次数.
互联网LJ Hao, HC Lam, JK Lee . Prolactin - secreting pituitary tumor: Current diagnosis & treatment. Current Medicine 1997; 24:589 - 92.
郝立智, 林兴中, 李镇. 促乳素瘤--诊断 及 治疗之概念. 当代医学1997; 24:589-92.
互联网LJ Hao, HC Lam, JK Lee. Prolactin - secreting pituitary tumor: Current diagnosis & treatment. Current Medicine 1997; 24:589 - 92.
郝立智, 林兴中, 李镇. 分泌生长促素之脑下垂体腺瘤 -- 目前诊断 及 治疗之概念. 高雄医师会志1997; 19:14-7.
互联网Prolactin is present in blood and tears , and more prevalent in women than in men.
互联网The blood prolactin and body index at the baseline and after treatment were compared.
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