投机,牟求暴利( profiteer的名词复数 );
The profiteers cheated people right and left.
《现代汉英综合大词典》While millions were fighting and dying, the profiteers were lining their pockets.
数百万人在打仗捐躯, 而奸商们却趁机发不义之财.
互联网In the beautiful city with arisen each district, not be each profiteers.
在各地兴起的花市中, 并不是个个都赚大钱.
互联网Foreign profiteers accelerated the exchange between China and foreign countries.
互联网Worse still, some profiteers advertise their goods by means of dirty pictures to poison people's minds.
更糟的是, 一些牟利者通过一些低级的画片传扬他们的产品,毒害了人们的思想.
互联网Profiteers cashed in during the gasoline shortage.
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