(基督教以外某些宗教中的)女神职人员( priestess的名词复数 );
The priestesses fussed with their amulets while the men stropped their weapons on the sea stone.
互联网For there have always been witches as well as wizards, and priestesses as well as priests.
因为到现在为止一直存在男巫 、 女巫;不仅有男牧师,而且有女牧师.
英汉非文学 - 历史Three priestesses of considerable rank swam out to meet them.
互联网Priestesses are immune to their own thorn effects.
互联网The men who'd swum with Quaanteel stayed well away from the quarreling priestesses.
互联网Either way, she flashed her teeth before turning to the larger priestesses.
不论如何, 她龇了龇牙,然后转向那几个更大的祭司.
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