priority 优先;primary 初级的;primitive 原始的;primer 初级读本;
Driect line 、 ISDN 、 DDN 、 Frame relay 、 ADSL 、 Broadband 、 Hunting line. 、 E 1、 PRI and so on.
互联网The average resistant rates for respective antibiotics were Ofl ( 87.4 % ), Ery ( 59.2 % ) , Cip ( 39.0 % ) , Azi ( 17.2 % ), Tet ( 13.6 % ), Cla ( 7.8 % ), Dox ( 6.1 % ), Jos ( 1.6 % ) and PRI ( 0.6 % ).
各抗生素平均耐药率由高向低依次为:氧氟沙星 ( Ofl)87.4%,红霉素 ( Ery ) 59.2%, 环丙沙星 ( Cip ) 39.0%, 阿奇霉素 ( Azi ) 17.2%, 四环素 ( Tet) 13.6%, 克拉霉素 ( Cla ) 7.8%, 强力霉素 ( Dox ) 6.1%, 交沙霉素 ( Jos ) 1.6% 和原始霉素 ( PRI)0.6%.
互联网Dijkstra algorithm based on quadheap PRI has already been realized in geography information system.
互联网The susceptibility rates of PRI , DOX, JOS , TET , ERY and OFL were 99.4 %, 91.5 %, 89.7 %, 80.0 %, 49.7 % and 25.5 %, respectively.
药敏结果显示:敏感率原始霉素99.4% 、 强力霉素91.5% 、 交沙霉素89.7% 、 四环素80.0% 、 红霉素49.7% 、 氧氟沙星25.5%.
互联网The two _ parameter algorithm was applied to classic , frequence _ agile and staggered PRI radar signals.
文中双参数算法可用于常规雷达, 参差雷达与捷变频雷达.
互联网Dans la pri è re, dans la lumi è re, revoir mes fr è res.
在光明中我祈祷, 再见到我的兄长.
互联网In contrast, the an alliance of the PRI's main rivals, will probably be less accommodating.
相反地, 与PRI的主要对手联盟, 恐怕是很难实现的.
互联网The PRI still acknowledges its links with UBISORT, although itit opposes the group's violent activities.
互联网Ce n 'é tait pas du tout la r é ponse à sa pri è re.
互联网Les trois arbres pri è rent pendant plusieurs ann é es pour que leurs r ê ves se r é alisent.
互联网Por konvinki esperantistojn pri tio , mi ofte sentas malfacilecon.
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