BMR is influenced by menstrual cycles, shows a slight premenstrual rise and a 7.2 % menstrual depression.
BMR受月经周期影响, 月经期比月经前下降7.2%.
互联网Used to treat stomach and intestinal disorders, motion sickness premenstrual tension, bed - wetting and urinary frequency.
用于治疗胃肠功能紊乱 、 晕动病、经前紧张 、 尿床和尿频.
互联网And when it comes to PMS, low - carb can mean low - energy, which only makes premenstrual fatigue worse.
提到经前症候群, [低]碳水化合物,意指 -- 低落的精力, 只会使经前症候群的疲累恶化.
互联网About 70% of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome.
——柯林斯例句PMS or premenstrual syndrome
——《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》Helps to alleviate premenstrual syndrome, menopausal symptoms and postmenopausal syndromes.
缓解经前综合症 、 更年期综合症及绝经综合症.
互联网For example, temporomandibular [ jaw ] pain, or TMJ, is highest in the premenstrual period and during menses.
例如说, 颞下颌 [ 下巴 ] 痛(TMJ),在月经前和月经中痛感最强.
期刊摘选Objective To investigate the prevalence of premenstrual syndrome and its influential factors in reproductive women.
互联网Such premenstrual tension as well as menstrual discomfort can often be alleviated by medication.
互联网Objective To observe the therapeutic effects of liver - discharging and heat - clearing therapy for premenstrual tension syndrome.
目的观察 疏肝 清热法治疗经前期紧张综合征患者的疗效.
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