Hurstwood, on the contrary, saw in the strength of her new attractiveness his miserable predicament.
相反, 赫斯渥从她新展露的魅力中更感到自己处境悲惨可怜.
英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹Many enterprises are washed out and annex, major company still struggles hard in predicament to now.
不少企业被淘汰和兼并, 大部分企业至今仍在困境中苦苦挣扎.
——期刊摘选Discussed off predicament and the measure that will expand chrysalis silk trade henceforth.
互联网I am in the identical predicament with yourself.
《现代汉英综合大词典》No one knew of our impending arrival much less of our mission or predicament.
辞典例句The main causes for this institutional predicament involve court, litigant, judicial institution and lawsuIt'system.
造成涉诉信访制度困境的原因主要有法院的原因 、 当事人的原因 、 司法体制的原因和诉讼制度的原因.
期刊摘选the country's economic predicament
朗文当代高级英语词典 第6版Who can whether they want to about their predicament or not?
期刊摘选the club's financial predicament
牛津高阶英汉双解词典It requests to organize to adjust strategy in time, coming out a predicament.
它要求组织及时调整战略, 走出困境.
期刊摘选I'm in a terrible predicament.
牛津高阶英汉双解词典Which is always a tricky predicament to be in when she wants to start kissing you.
期刊摘选Hank explained our predicament...
柯林斯高阶英语词典Their temporary predicament called out the best in them.
期刊摘选Unfortunately, such differences have also contributed to the present predicament of the Chinese language.
然而, 这样的分歧,也同时造成了目前的华文困境.
期刊摘选Your refusal puts me in an awkward predicament.
期刊摘选The decision will leave her in a peculiar predicament.
柯林斯高阶英语词典Shenzhen should cast off these predicament, must realize an industry to upgrade with transition.
深圳要摆脱这些困境, 就必须实现产业升级和转型.
期刊摘选Life is not a spectacle or a feast; it is a predicament.
生活并非奇观,亦非盛宴, 它是一种困境.
期刊摘选If customers are bankrupt, suppliers are likely to be in the same predicament.
如果顾客破产, 那么供应商可能会陷入同样的困境.
期刊摘选He hasn't realized his predicament yet.
《简明英汉词典》He made a clean breast of his predicament.
期刊摘选So it is not the obvious place to start to explain the world economy's present predicament.
期刊摘选For one thing, people can a lot of experience from a predicament.
第一, 人们可在逆境中积累大量的经验.
期刊摘选At present pork up, make generator oneself predicament, hog production already began to up.
目前猪肉回升, 使生产者解脱了困境, 生猪生产已开始升温.
期刊摘选S. dollar . And the current Bilateral Swap Arrangement in East Asia further falls China into predicament.
期刊摘选This paper analyzes the predicament of information science in three aspects: theory, education and profession identity.
[中英文摘要]本文从学科理论 、 育、业认同三方面对世界范围的情报学困境进行了分析,指出情报学陷入困境的根源在于三方面: 强势学科的加入竞争,信息技术的发展和影响,情报学的内在局限性.
期刊摘选This may find Bush in a parallel predicament unto Nixon in the year ahead.
期刊摘选But while it is possible to sympathise with the Russian predicament, the ban is counterproductive.
虽然俄罗斯的困境可能令人同情, 但禁令会起到适得其反的效果.
期刊摘选Little imagine west sheds an economics to be immersed in the predicament of the crisis already.
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