The comparator includes a preamplifier, a dynamic latch and a clocked inverter.
该比较器包含一级预放大器 、 动态锁存器及时钟控制反相器.
互联网A hybrid circuit consists of charge sensitive preamplifier, main amplifier, discriminator and shaping circuit was described.
介绍一种由电荷灵敏前置放大器 、 主放大器 、 甄别器、成形电路所组成的一体化电路.
互联网It'still is offered dog the options such as generator and preamplifier.
互联网It is a switch capacitor circuit which consists of the preamplifier and dynamic latch.
互联网Preamplifier. Benefits to fall back also quite large.
互联网Preamplifier and filter were used for cancellation of respiratory ECG, body interference.
利用前置放大器和滤波器有效滤除掉呼吸,心电, 人体等干扰.
互联网Studying the variety of tunneling current and designing a suited preamplifier system for the tunneling current.
互联网The receiver has been designed and made, including preamplifier, amplifier, filter circuit, AGC, PLL, etc.
设计并制作了接收机电路, 包括前放电路, 放大电路, 滤波电路,自动增益控制电路, 锁相环电路, 判决电路等.
互联网The Video Preamplifier is designed to be flexible with respect to its audio configurations, as well.
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