Click here to view the powerpoint presentation that discusses writing and referencing.
互联网Excellent Presentation Skills, conversant in Microsoft applications including PowerPoint and Excel.
优秀的沟通技能, 具有良好的英语表达能力(口语、书面).
——期刊摘选The third rule is go easy on the PowerPoint.
互联网Apple's presentations are not created on PowerPoint, asvast majority of presentations are.
互联网Shine PPT to Video Converter is the best choice for converting PowerPoint to Video.
互联网Most of this will be from powerpoint slides so you get the idea.
互联网Good command of Computer ( word , excel, powerpoint, outlook etc office software ) .
三年以上仓库管理工作经验.具保税仓管经验者优先; 熟悉仓储及物流的 操作流程.
互联网For instance, he says, customers could hold business meetings that use its LED screens for PowerPoint.
例如, 他说, 顾客可以在此开商务会议,用LED屏幕放映Powerpoint幻灯片.
互联网People will fall asleep in front of a PowerPoint slide deck.
互联网The function software and animation in Flash combined with PowerPoint has much feature.
将Flash制作的功能软件、动画与PowerPoint相 结合,教学软件更具有特色.
互联网PowerPoint can't create the storage required for an embedded or linked object.
互联网Did I stay up late to polish one PowerPoint slide? Yes.
我是否因为需要完善一页幻灯片而熬夜? 是的.
互联网The demo documents of geological specialty are generally produced and shown by the Microsoft PowerPoint.
互联网Proficient in office software MS Office Word , Excel , PowerPoint , etc. operation.
互联网Inside computer classroom today, want teaching POWERPOINT , little pocket is very happy.
电脑教室里面今天要教学POWERPOINT, 小兜兜非常开心.
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