Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the MUSCLE Internal Fellowship from European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.
——期刊摘选Since the 1970 s, it has begun enrolling postgraduates Masterand doctoral and established the postdoctoral station.
互联网Project supported by the Shanghai Postdoctoral Sustentation Fund, China ( Grant No. ).
上海市 博士后 基金资助的课题.
期刊摘选There are 7 undergraduate, 10 graduate and 2 doctoral specialties and 1 postdoctoral mobile research station.
设有7个本科专业 、 10个硕士点、2个博士点和1个博士后流动站.
期刊摘选I'm doing postdoctoral research at the moment.
期刊摘选Goudriaan, a postdoctoral researcher at the Uniersity of Amsterdam and corresponding author for the study.
Goudriaan说,她是阿姆斯特丹大学的博士后研究员, 也是该项研究的通讯作者.
期刊摘选Many companies invested in establishing postdoctoral research center.
期刊摘选In the personnel that flow stands or job of postdoctoral scientific research pursues in workstation.
期刊摘选Christopher Jillings is the postdoctoral fellow of the Kellogg Radiation Laboratory. He is Canadian.
基里斯杜法.尤灵斯是凯洛格幅射实验室的博士后研究员, 他是加拿大人.
期刊摘选The main task for postdoctoral fellow is to investigate mechanism of metastasis of prostatecancer.
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