The Poodle, the Pom, the Alsatian.
狮子狗, 博美狗, 阿尔萨斯.
互联网POM technique differs from equivalent offset migration ( EOM ) in how the migration mapping offset is defined.
这种方法与等效偏移距法 ( EOM ) 不同的地方是对偏移距的定义不同.
互联网Hydrogen bond interaction exists in the blends.
共混物中POM与 COPA分子间存在氢键作用.
互联网It is machinable for the thicker of POM.
互联网However, the reactivity of POM - 5 catalyst increased and catalyst bed decreased, with increasing the reduction temperature.
POM -5 催化剂反应性能随还原温度的提高而提高,且床层温度呈现降低趋势.
互联网A detail of the improvement and development of the polymerization technology of co - POM is also introduced.
互联网MgO also showed the nucleation effect on POM, which improved the mechanical properties of POM.
同时,在研究中发现氧化镁对POM有结晶成核作用, 可有效提高POM的力学性能.
互联网Using the - coordinate POM model core position and flux on Kuroshio frontal meander are studied.
互联网At first, acrylate polymers used for modifying POM was prepared via emulsion polymerization i.
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