persona non grata (Latin=an unacceptable person) (拉丁语)不受欢迎的人(一般指外交官);
巴布亚新几内亚(Papua New Guinea);可移植的网络图象文件格式(Portable Network Graphic);
Identification Verification Code drops Lingling, VB code, the design matrix , PNG read, worth a visit.
滴玲玲验证码识别, VB代码, 字模设计,PNG读取, 值得一看.
互联网Create and edit metadata in PNG image files.
互联网Apart from the things mentioned above, the PNG should look the same.
出了上面提到的几点外, PNG看起来应当是相同的.
互联网The proportional navigation guidance ( PNG ) has several shortcomings.
传统的比例 导引 具有很多缺点.
互联网The png files will need to be scalable.
互联网PNG's economy is suffering in the aftermath of a serious drought and last year's tidal wave.
互联网The images used in themes are all converted to PNG format by Theme Builder.
互联网AIDS statistics raise alarm in PNG.
互联网After viewing this PNG , you notice them ( milli ) has disappeared.
在查看 PNG 文件后, 你会注意到m不见了.
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