paramethoxyam-phetamine 对甲氧苯丙胺;positive mental attitude 积极心理态度;primary mental abilities 主要心理能力;
The IPC 、 PMA protected the myocardium from sustained ischemia - reperfusion injury . Bre.
Bre. 则可消除IPC对心肌的保护作用.
互联网In time course studies, PMA induced PA accumulation preceded DAG accumulation.
互联网Positive Control: PMA stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
阳性对照: PMA刺激的外周血单核细胞.
互联网Having a positive mental attitude PMA is the key to success.
互联网PMA and self - discipline can remove their harmful effects and make them serve constructive purposes.
积极的态度 自律 精神能转移负面情绪带来的危害并服务于建设目标.
互联网This powerful work will convince you of the benefits you will derive from PMA.
互联网Based on the establishment of mathematic model, this paper analyses dynamic behavior of the PMA.
在建立了永磁操动机构动态特性数学模型的基础上, 分析了永磁机构的运动特性.
互联网PMA ( positive mental attitude ) and self - discipline can remove their harmful effects and make them serve constructive purpose.
积极的态度和 自律 精神能转移负面情绪带来的危害并服务于建设性目标.
互联网Positive Mental Attitude ( PMA ) determines your good attitude towards people and towards everything around you.
互联网PMA is the only frame of mind in which you can have definiteness of purpose.
互联网Treatment with CHEL significantly increased hCG accumulation in JAR cells , and enhanced the phosphorylation of MAPK.
对照组及各实验组都有活性的MAPK的 表达,与对照组相比,PMA慢性 刺激组、CHEL组MAPK磷酸 化水平升高;PMA急性 刺激组MAPK磷酸化水平降低.
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