Do you want to serialize all AE plugins?
你想要连载所有的AE插件 吗 ?
互联网All the shortcuts of plugins commands are customizable via the shortcut mapper.
互联网Unzip the plugin and upload it to your plugins folder.
互联网Integration of external description Plugins in the WDX format written by third parties.
互联网Dynamic library load - and run - time link. Give plugins!
动态链接库装载和运行连接, 被用于插件!
互联网If this Component any plugins specified in the config, they will be initialized at this time.
如果组件有指定插件, 则插件会在这时候被初始化.
互联网Some plugins feature tags inside of the template files.
互联网Plugins are allowed to register new actions dynamically to implement to implement their functionalities.
互联网Missing are the wealth of desktop plugins: you get only Flash 7.
缺失的是台式机的插件: 你只能得到flash7.
互联网See List of Custom UNetbootin Versions and Plugins.
互联网Additional plugins, as bridges or the RHW mod, are released as individual plugins.
附加的一些插件, 例如桥梁或者RHWmod, 作为单独的插件发布.
互联网Plugins are able to extend functionality at the framework layer as well.
互联网Easy to install: You can install without plugins, though three simple plugins are recommended and included.
易于安装: 你可以安装任何插件, 但三个简单的插件,其中包括建议.
互联网Is there a list of plugins?
有插件列表 吗 ?
互联网Components, languages, modules, plugins and templates are now collectively known as Extensions.
组件, 语言, 触发器, 插件和模板现在被统称为扩展.
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