Objective : To probe the relativity of acute apoplexy of yang syndrome and plasm cholecystokinin ( CCK ).
目的: 探讨中风病急性期阳类证与血浆脑肠肽 CCK 水平的相关性.
——期刊摘选May reduce cholesterol in the human blood serum and consistence of plasm fibrin.
互联网Principle: Separate plasm and dregs by centrifugal force.
原理: 利用离心力,将渣子与淀粉浆分离.
——期刊摘选Usefulness: To separate plasm and dregs.
用途: 用于浆渣分离.
——期刊摘选Their blood viscosity, plasm viscosity, red blood cell ( RBC ) deformed exponent were also measured.
检查全血粘度 、 浆粘度和红细胞变形指数.
——期刊摘选A large quantity of zirconia powder is used for plasm spraying to prepare thermal barrier coatings.
互联网Conservation of the germ plasm resources is a subject of significance in conservation biology.
互联网Conserving mollusk's germ plasm resources is a reliably guarantee of sustainable development of aquiculture.
互联网Germ Plasm Resource, Wealth to be Shared by Mankind?
种质资源是人类共享的财富 吗 ?
互联网Objective To make sure germ - plasm of Pueraria DC.
互联网Objective To observe the influence of longmuzhuanggu powder ( LMZGP ) on gastroenteric movement and plasm motilin ( MTL ) in rats.
目的观察龙牡壮骨冲剂对小鼠胃肠动力和血浆胃动素 ( MTL ) 的影响.
互联网Inorganic salt has inhibitory effect on microorganism, leading to plasm olysis or loss of cells activity.
无机盐对生物有抑制作用, 可以造成质壁分离或细胞失活.
互联网Acupuncture treatment can also improve plasm viscosity.
互联网There is not a linear correlation between plasm apolipoprotein A level and cognitive impairment.
互联网The high - chromium iron - base composite coating by reactive plasm.
基材表面制备了高 铬铁 基复合涂层.
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