Folk applications include rheumatoid arthritis, impotence, irregular menses, placenta not being expelled after birth.
民间雪莲用于治疗风湿性关节炎 、 阳痿 、 妇女月经不调 、 胎衣不下.
——期刊摘选Funicle ( funiculus ) The stalk attaching the ovule ( later the seed ) to the placenta in angiosperm ovaries.
被子植物 子房中连接胚珠 ( 之后的种子 ) 和胎座的柄.
互联网Allergic people shall not take royal jelly, they shall take queen bee placenta.
——期刊摘选CTf does not bind with human transferrin receptor on human placenta at physiological pH.
——期刊摘选Description Pomona moisturizing cr è me is enriched with Placenta and Collagen extract to refine facial treatment.
——期刊摘选Pregnant women who smoke can pass nicotine and carbon monoxide to their baby through the placenta.
——期刊摘选Starch grains present in the embryo sac and placenta are utilized by the embryo.
——辞典例句An emergency peripartum hysterectomy was performed due to placenta accreta and intractable hemorrhage.
——期刊摘选A pregnant woman can pass the virus to her fetus placenta.
——期刊摘选Objectie To establish an automatic grading method by abstracting placenta texture features.
期刊摘选Factors that can affect the placenta include maternal high blood pressure, stress and smoking.
影响胚盘的因素包括母体的高血压 、 压力和吸烟.
期刊摘选Placenta in bag with cut navel cord jutting out.
期刊摘选Apoptosis exists in normoal placenta, which has different balance with proliferation during different pregnancy phases.
期刊摘选We should maintain vigilance for patients with placental factors such as placenta previa and abruptio placentae.
期刊摘选Objective : To discuss the value of different hemostatic methods during caesarean section with placenta previa.
目的: 探讨前置胎盘剖宫产术时不同止血方法的效果.
期刊摘选However, questions remained about what happened within the placenta to cause preeclampsia.
不过, 胎盘内部发生了何种变故,从而导致子痫前症产生的原因始终还无从知晓.
期刊摘选The drug can be transferred to the baby via the placenta.
柯林斯例句Objective : To summarize and investigate the pathology, diagnosis and treatment of placenta accreta.
目的: 总结和探讨胎盘植入的病因 、 理、断、理方法及预防措施.
期刊摘选Methods Make manual removal of placenta if the time of postpartum retained placenta was shorter.
期刊摘选The newborn child is still connected to the placenta inside the uterus by the cord.
期刊摘选The placenta demonstrated aery large bleed, consistent with an abruption.
胎盘显示大量出血, 与子宫剥离.
期刊摘选Corresponding nursing measures should be taken for different treatment methods in total imbedded placenta.
期刊摘选Purpose To explore the expression of PECAM 1 on the placenta of ICP.
目的:探讨妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症(ICP) 患者胎盘血管血小板-内皮细胞粘附分子(PECAM1)表达的变化.
期刊摘选Results Lead could be transferred to offspring from maternity by means of placenta and milk.
期刊摘选Partial: The placenta covers part of the cervical opening.
部分性前置胎盘: 胎盘覆盖部分宫颈口.
期刊摘选This procedure takes cells from the villi, i . e . tiny fingerlike projections on the placenta.
期刊摘选Earlier studies linked the placenta to the disease.
期刊摘选Eat the placenta to eat to people on earth, how to think about the placenta?
吃胎盘到底是不是吃人, 如何看待胎盘?
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