钢琴( piano的名词复数 );
These pianos are of different widths.
《现代汉英综合大词典》The concert opened with a lively performance of a piece for two pianos.
《简明英汉词典》Pianos which have a pleasant timbre are of higher price.
互联网The pianos the other shop will be cheaper, but not as good.
另一家店的钢琴会更便宜, 但质量却没这家的好.
互联网The pianos act as a blank canvas for everyone else's creativity.
互联网Rolls - Royce cars and Steinway pianos are built to last for generations.
劳斯莱斯 汽车和斯坦威钢琴的生产制造已延续数代人.
互联网Pulp, boxes , frames , general construction , woodwoking ( flooring, siding , ceiling, doors , blinds , etc. ) , airplanes, musical istruments ( especially sounding boards of pianos ), cabinets , ships , railroad coaches , furniture, wares, kegs and ladders.
纸浆材 、 箱盒材、线条 、 地板 、 天花板 、 木门 、 窗?、模型飞机 、 乐器构造材 ( 如钢琴响板 ) 、 橱柜 、 造船材、家俱等.
互联网Teacher, we talked about the structure of pianos; upright and grand.
老师, 我们讲了钢琴的构造, 立式钢琴和卧式钢琴.
互联网Jake: Right. Davenport , and also Kroeger used to make pianos.
杰克: 是的. 是德温伯特, 另外克鲁格也曾经生产过钢琴.
互联网Music from pianos inside the offices filled the air.
互联网In the house there are five pianos.
互联网There are five pianos in the room.
互联网Silence the pianos and with muffled drum.
互联网Maria: Do they still make pianos?
玛丽亚: 他们还生产钢琴 吗 ?
互联网Sliced veneer for decoration ( substitute for Walnut ). Cabinets , joinery, pianos and turnery.
平切单板供化装合板用 ( 代替胡桃木 ) 、橱柜 、 细木器 、 钢琴、车只类.
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