Before the listener knows where he is, the mounting tension is lifted in a pianissimo anticlimax.
在听众不知不觉之间, 紧张气氛在最弱音的突减中被提升了.
——期刊摘选A sudden crescendo forces the music from pianissimo back to forte in only half a bar.
——期刊摘选Fred: It's true. But the total counterpoint is so pianissimo.
你说得没错. 但是总的复调旋律是非常轻柔的.
——期刊摘选My property ends by the bushes; The symphony ends in a pianissimo.
我的所有物以矮树丛结束; 交响乐以弱音结束.
互联网The symphony ends in a pianissimo.
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